Physiotherapists serving Newmarket for over 15 years…
Acupuncture can assist in pain control, aid in the treatment of disorders of the autonomic nervous system, stimulate natural tissue regeneration and healing. It is a comfortable treatment even though the method of delivery may seem intimidating since it involves the use of needles. Only sterile needles are used, they are thin and tiny about the thickness of a human hair, they are gently inserted through the skin and tissues at specific points on the body. After a treatment these needles are gently removed and disposed of, this gentle approach makes this an enjoyable treatment option for the recipient. Clients barely feel the needle itself, and most feel an instant sense of relief. Acupuncture is a preferred form of treatment for acute and particularly chronic conditions since it eases tension and promotes circulation. It is a highly effective form of treatment delivered by our team of specially trained physiotherapists, it can be used on its own or in combination with other treatments techniques. Ask us about including acupuncture as part of your treatment plan.
Direct Billing
At Physiotherapy in Newmarket, we are pleased to offer you the convenience of direct billing for many insurance companies. Call us today to inquire.
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